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Windshield Surveys

Free Map Tools

An online tool that enables visitors to easily and quickly use maps in order to measure, search, and overlap mark-up elements on maps for a wide range of useful applications.

Practical Methods: Direct Observations and Windshield Surveys

American Academy of Pediatrics

An overview of direct observations and windshield surveys; includes a simple yet comprehensive windshield survey guide.

Community Profile: Community Health Learning Tool

University of Northumbria at Newcastle

A succinct, comprehensive windshield survey guide that can be used as a tool to create a community profile for a community needs assessment.

Community Needs Assessment Walking Survey

Age-Friendly NYC

An overview of New York City's "City for All Ages Community Needs Assessment Survey," which includes walking survey plans, volunteer organization and data collection strategy, and an example of a walking survey.

Service Learning: Windshield Surveys

Duquesne University 

A research methods assignment for students at Duquesne University, IL that describes the simple process of implementing a windshield/ walking survey within the context of service learning. Helpful because of the guiding questions this summary highlights.

Windshield Survey Guide

Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

ICADV has developed a Windshield Survey Guide based on the Community Toolbox. This guide is comprehensive and will help you develop a profile for your community. The guide can be adapted and modified as needed. 

More Methods

Secondary Data

Key Informant Interviews

Focus Groups

Windshield Surveys


More Resources

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